Software and Hardware


Leased under an Information as a Solution (IaaS) model allowing for individual component pricing. Or for those who prefer a cloud offering, they can upload their samples to our servers for processing


Hardware can be selected to meet the customer’s standards. Our standard server build will satisfy the majority of user’s needs. However, customers may specify server configurations, operating systems, and software modifications to meet their own processing requirements. Our fully configurable processes are entirely Operating System Agnostic.


Flexible configurations meet clients’ needs.


Based on customer requirements, standards, and volume needs. Due to Mercator’s breakthrough technologies and the resulting speeds, much lower pricing is possible than with current solutions.


Ensure up-to-the-minute advances in processing techniques.


Mercator follows the guidelines issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and is currently ISO 9001:2015 compliant. Several staff and advisory board members are experts in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). All processes follow HIPAA requirements.

Secure Peregrine Server

Alignment Time

All Data Immediately Available

Error Rate

DNA Coverage

Maximum mutation length

  • Mercator full genome
  • < $50,000
  • < 27 min
  • Entire sequenced DNA is available
  • < .001% (< 3750 per 50X WGS)
  • Entire sequenced DNA and gVCF
  • up to 64 bases
  • Mercator human exome
  • < $50,000
  • < 5 min for 50X WES
  • All aligned data and all variants available for reporting
  • < .001% (~650 per 50X WES)
  • All 25,600+ genes
  • up to 64 bases


As technologies advance for reading long-length read strings, current assembly techniques are becoming increasingly impractical.

our first and best-in-class alignment and analysis tools:

Process extremely long read strings that will come from sequencing by degradation

Handle upcoming epigenetic molecule identification

Break new ground in variant phasing, recessive traits and yet-to-be curated novel combinations with our artificial intelligence (AI) techniques and advanced mathematical modeling

Develop faster and more accurate de novo assembly routines for analysis of all the species that are still not referenced in the libraries of the scientific communities

Quick and Safe Data Transfer

Our data compression allows you to transfer large volumes of data quickly, accurately, and safely—allowing for rapid distribution of sequenced data sets and analytic results in encrypted forms. We even have a patent on verifying that the person requesting the information is who they say they are. This ensures that only the requestor may access the data. Protecting the privacy of clients, satisfying HIPAA, and preventing data corruption or loss keeps you legally protected.

For customers with high volume processing we can PLACE our servers in your facility, completely eliminating the need for data transfer.

We maintain and manage the Peregrine servers keeping them up-to-date with the latest advances. All critical results and data are automatically backed-up.

Servers are configured to support your pipelines and security requirements

You submit sequenced specimens to the server, the pre-configured alignment and analytic software does the rest

Your data is never transferred anywhere except to your dedicated data storage (which we provide, manage and maintain to your specification)

Technical Specifications

We use a customized Linux installation for the operating system. Servers are built using up to 2 terabytes of flash cache RAM.

With up to 8 terabytes of flash storage for high speed processing area, and use high speed disk for mass storage–providing the best performance available for processing large amounts of data, while allowing for storage in excess of 4 exabytes of data.

Beyond an accurately aligned DNA sequence, and a complete, global Variant Call File (gVCF) is automatically generated. Significant value is realized in the tailorable BioInformatic Analytics module. Because our software is developed in a modular form, we can offer individual component pricing in the IaaS product offering. Pricing is dependent only upon the extent of custom analysis requested and the volume of processing and the volume of data to be processed.

HIPAA Compliance

Focused on offering tools to help you be more efficient, accurate, and secure, we partner with a market leader in Anonymous Key Encryption (AKT) technology to employ the most effective encryption techniques and are AES-256 bit (NIST) certified.

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to the Next Level

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